Wednesday, September 9, 2009

All About Steve

All About Steve

“You two belong together.”

When I first saw the trailer for this film, I couldn’t wait to see it. I adore Sandra Bullock. I’m really not sure I could not like a movie she’s in, but I had especially high hopes for this movie because it just looked funny! I stifled laughter watching the trailer…and two words…Bradley. Cooper. Oh, my goodness!!!

However, my initial excitement about a movie is often tainted by the opinions of people who get to see it—and review it—before me. I’m pretty careful about not reading detailed reviews before I form an opinion, but sometimes I can’t avoid what’s said about a newly released movie. The opinions of All About Steve that I couldn’t avoid, weren’t good. I was a little disenchanted, but I still wanted to see it. So I did.

Labor Day weekend. I can’t even tell you what a weekend it was. Hectic, fun-filled and overwhelming (yes, there is such a thing as too much fun). So, on Monday afternoon, when my daughters begged me to take them to the mall, I saw my escape route. With a cineplex attached to the mall, I let my teenagers shop to their heart’s content, while I snuck into a darkened theater and spent some much needed time alone.

I don’t know at what point I started going to movies alone, but as much as I enjoy sharing my movie going experiences, I have to admit, sometimes going to a movie all by myself is exactly what I need. An escape, entertainment, and not having to worry about anyone else disapproving of my choice. Love it.

I wish I’d known Mary Horowitz (Bullock) was a Crossword Puzzle Creator before I decided to see this movie. I was looking for a lighthearted comedy, but this one thing brought the movie too close to home…too close to my tender emotions. My grandmother was an avid crossword puzzle solver. We are convinced that doing these daily puzzles are what kept her lucid all the way up until the day she died at 80 years old. Hearing Mary talk about her passion for words and puzzles made my heart ache for the grandmother I’d just recently lost. I’m convinced that my own love of words is a genetic gift from the same grandmother.

Her love of crossword puzzles was the only characteristic my grandmother shared with Mary Horowitz. The latter was rather annoying…though, it was still Sandra Bullock, so I had to love her anyway.

When Mary is set up on a blind date (hmmm….my grandmother did meet my grandfather on a blind date) with Steve, she falls head over heels for him. The attraction is one-sided and Mary takes Steve’s blow-off—“wish you could be there, but gotta go”—to heart and follows him on his business trip (he films a newscaster), leading Steve to fear this unstable stalker who can’t seem to take a hint.

The good news is that this movie is extremely silly and juvenile, so you can take your 12 yr. old daughter without fear of offense. The bad news is that this movie is extremely silly and juvenile and doesn’t have a whole lot of substance to engage the minds of us adults who choose to see it. It’s definitely not one of those make ya think movies. It’s just simple fun. If you’re in the mood for that kinda thing…perfect! If not, I’m sure it will disappoint.

I can’t complain. Sandra Bullock, crossword puzzles and simple fun…I enjoyed it enough. But, I’ll admit, it’s nothing that can’t wait ‘til it comes out on DVD…unless, you, too, can’t wait to see Bradley Cooper.

Bottom Line: All About Steve is all about silly and juvenile fun…nothing about a serious and mature relationship.

See trailer here: